Home >> Speciaslities >> Non Invasive Cardiology

The non-invasive cardiology focuses on the detection and treatment of heart disease, using external tests rather than using any fluids, injections or any type of body piercing instruments.

 A non-invasive cardiologist tries to prevent and manage heart problems through medications and lifestyle changes.

Our approach towards patient is extensively based on our persistent cardiac care and medical services; The cost of the entire procedure will not be too costly.

At SRS, we assure you that services you get will be value for your money.

Some of the most popular noninvasive techniques include:

  • ECG
  • TMT
  • 2D Echocardiography
  • Stress Echo
  • Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring
  • Holter monitoring
Dr Harshdeep Singhal
Dr Harshdeep Singhal